Websites Designed For Mobile Devices

iPhone • iPad • Android • Blackberry & Others

mobile device page

Designs For People On The Go

Often searchers are looking for only key information about your business:  Telephone number, email address or your street address.  That's particularly true while they're out traveling, which is exactly when you want them to find that information quickly on their smart phones and tablet devices!  Mobile landing pages like the one you see here are designed to present that information in a size and format that are easily readable on today's mobile devices.  We include a mobile-friendly page like this for every new website that we create.

  • Android
  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Blackberry
  • Opera
  • Windows
mobile device page

Your Main Website For Mobile

Each mobile page includes a link to your main website.  When searchers arrive there on their mobile devices, they need to be able to see and read text information, and to activate links and navigation buttons with the tap of a finger.  We design your full site with mobile devices in mind from the beginning, using larger fonts and wider spacing on especially link and navigation items.  We're also particularly careful with our font and background color choices.  Links don't work if the mobile viewer can't read them!

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